Disability Resources Overview
The role of Disability Resources in the SDSC is to facilitate equal access to University classes, programs, and activities for students with disabilities. Because access is a shared University responsibility, the SDSC serves as a resource for faculty, staff and administrators on creating accessible and inclusive environments.
While WIU is committed to access and inclusion, it is not possible to anticipate all barriers that might exist for individuals with disabilities. Therefore, the SDSC is the campus department designated by the University to work with students through an interactive process to determine disability and hear requests for reasonable accommodations.
A commitment to equity, social justice and diversity is embedded in the values of Western Illinois University. We recognize disability as a naturally occurring aspect of the diversity of life that is integral to society and to the campus community. To that end, the Student Development and Success Center partners with the University community to create environments that are usable, equitable, inclusive and sustainable. We promote awareness and access through training, partnerships, innovative programs and accommodations.
Director of Student Development & Success Center
Jacquelyn Price
Associate Director of Student Development & Success Center
Tim Greving
Instructional Development Specialist
Angela LaFrance
Quad Cities Campus
All students, whether on the Macomb, Quad Cities, or online campuses, should follow the same process for scheduling appointments related to Disability Resources (DR). For any questions specific to the Quad Cities campus, please feel free to reach out to Audrey Adamson at anw-adamson@wiu.edu, or email disability@wiu.edu. For assistance with testing accommodations on the Quad Cities campus, students should contact Leslie Mose at la-mose@wiu.edu for further guidance.
Memorial Hall 125
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455
Email: sdsc@wiu.edu
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