Cannabis and Culture in Amsterdam


Cannabis & Culture in Amsterdam

The Netherlands has a history with cannabis dating back to the 1920s, when the plant was legal in their colonies.  From then to now, there have been various levels of legality and permissiveness in the use of cannabis in the country.  Dutch coffeeshops, businesses where the  purchase of marijuana is allowed, started appearing in Amsterdam in the 1970s.  The culture of these shops is changing as more and more people visit Amsterdam for cannabis-related tourism and are disrespectful of the cannabis consumption cultre in the Netherlands.  Explore how American culture and attitudes related to cannabis consumption may also change over time as legalization of cannabis becomes more widespread in the US.

Location(s)  Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Term   Spring 2022

Choice of:

  • ANTH 379, 3 sh
  • ANTH 679, 3 sh
  • LAS 379, 3 sh
  • LAS 679, 3 sh
Class Sessions Spring 2022.  Exact dates/times/location TBA 
Travel Dates May 20-30, 2022
Housing   Hostels/hotels
Passport Required
Visa (for US citizens) Not required





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October 23, 4 pm, Morgan 320.  Zoom link available upon request

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