Colonel Rock in front of train Station

The Western Connection - Train Station Shop

Located in Macomb's train station at 120 E. Calhoun St., the shop offers a variety of items for sale, all with a WIU connection — either promoting the University, made on campus or crafted by a WIU student or alumni.


If you are a WIU alumni or student artist, please contact us about having your items for sale in the shop or fill out the Vendor Application (Jotform) .

Sally Adams, Outreach Program Director
Office of Study Abroad & Outreach

Phone: (309) 298-1911

Hours (Spring 2024):

  • Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
  • Wednesdays: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Hours (Summers):

  • Thursdays (June - October) & Saturdays (April - October)  
    Find us at Macomb's Farmer's Market in Chandler Park.
    Weather permitting
  • Just remember...if the flutter flag is up, we are open! 


Feedback on the shop is greatly appreciated and can be provided by filling out The Western Connection Feedback Form (Jotform).