adult learning

Community Outreach

For over 30 years, the LIFE program has offered a wide array of non-credit courses on a variety of topics. These courses are offered every spring and fall semester and there is truly something for just about everyone. 

If you are looking for a trip away, check out our Community Expeditions.   Instructors for these programs are university faculty as well as community members with a desire to share their knowledge and time with community members.

For more information, please contact our office at  (309) 298-1911.




LIFE (Learning is Forever)

L.I.F.E. (Learning Is ForEver) is an organization dedicated to providing high-quality, low-cost, and enjoyable adult-education experiences. The Macomb L.I.F.E. program is affiliated with the national organization Road Scholar: Elderhostel Institute Network (EIN) . It is independently administered by area residents who develop the courses, select the teachers, establish the fees, and promote the curriculum.  

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