Transcript Policy
Approved By: President
Effective Date: January 23, 2024
Public Act 103-0054 (Student Debt Assistance Act) requires that WIU develop a Transcript Policy that “outlines the process for which a current or former student may obtain a transcript or diploma.” Additionally, the policy must identify “the point at which a student may be subject to a transcript, diploma, or registration hold.”
This policy affects the Billing & Receivables Office, the Registrar’s Office, and all current and former students of WIU.
- Administrative hold: a hold placed on the student’s account by the Registrar’s Office, frequently (but not limited to) falsification of records.
- Financial hold: a hold placed on the student’s account due to a financial encumbrance. The hold will not prevent a transcript from being issued, but may prevent registration in courses.
- Registration hold: any hold that prevents registration. May include, but not limited to: financial hold, immunization hold, advisor hold.
WIU will provide any current or former student with an official copy of their WIU academic transcript upon written request. Students must make the request in writing or through our online vendor.
Requests for transcripts will not be refused or withheld due to a financial hold with the university. Some administrative holds unrelated to finances may prevent an official transcript from being released. Unofficial transcripts may be obtained at any time through the STARS system.
All students are charged a one time transcript fee upon enrollment at WIU, which allows the student to request official printed copies of their transcript from the Office of the Registrar. There may be an additional cost for transcripts ordered through our online vendor.
WIU will provide one complimentary diploma to all students upon graduation from the university. All financial and administrative holds with the university must be cleared before the diploma will be released. There is an additional cost for duplicate diplomas.
Students with a past due balance greater than the registration threshold will have a registration hold placed on their account until the balance is below the threshold. A registration hold will not cause a request for transcripts to be refused or withheld. The registration threshold is available on the Registrar’s website. Students with a past due balance greater than $25 may be sent to collections.
Any current or former student who believes that they have had a transcript withheld improperly according to this policy may direct their concern to the WIU Registrar by emailing Alternatively, they may make a complaint with the Illinois Attorney General's Student Loan Ombudsperson by emailing
Students may order transcripts through STARS or our outside vendor. Please see for more information.
RESPONSIBILITIES (Implementation and Enforcement)
The Registrar’s Office issues transcripts and administrative holds. The Billing & Receivables Office issues financial holds.
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