Approval Date: 09/09/2002
Approved By: President

Space Allocation and Management Policy

University facilities are valuable resources and are allocated for specific functions or purposes. In order to address changing and unmet space needs, the University must effectively analyze and evaluate space-related requests.

The President and Vice Presidents are responsible for allocating space within their divisions as administrators are responsible for space within their respective areas. If space needs cannot be met within the administrative or Vice Presidential area, a request may be submitted to the Space Allocation and Management Committee.

This committee is comprised of the President (chairperson), Provost and Academic Vice President, Vice President for Administrative Services, Vice President for Advancement and Public Service, and Vice President for Student Services. The Director of Physical Plant and his staff will provide support to evaluate space-related requests. In addition, the Committee may call upon other councils, committees, or individuals as needed, including the Faculty Senate Council on Campus Planning And Usage.

All requests related to changes in space assignments outside an individual Vice Presidential area must be made in writing on a Request for Space Assignment/Reassignment Form. This form (see attached) outlines the reasons for requesting the space and includes:

  • A description of required special characteristics or physical aspects;
  • The number and description of personnel to be housed, including individual names and position titles;
  • The amount of space being requested and the reason the need cannot be met within the Vice Presidential area;
  • A funding plan for the costs of acquiring and implementing the space assignment; and
  • The proposed use of the vacated space.

The requesting person may consult with the Physical Plant for assistance in preparing the form.

This completed form (and supporting documentation) shall be signed by the responsible administrator, appropriate Dean, and then forwarded to the Physical Plant for review and comments. The form is then forwarded to the appropriate Vice President for signature and presentation to the Space Allocation and Management Committee. All members of the Committee vote on space issues with the final decision residing with the President.

Request for Space Assignment/Reassignment Form (PDF)