Approval Date: 08/26/99
Approved By: President
Policy on Procurements from Businesses Owned by Minorities, Women and Persons with a Disability
Western Illinois University is subject to the Illinois Procurement Code for the purchase of goods and services. This law requires that purchase transactions exceeding $20,000 for professional services and $25,000 for the purchase of goods and other services be awarded on the basis of formal competitive procedures. In addition, Western is subject to the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females and Persons with Disabilities Act, which requires that not less than 12 percent of the total dollar of State contracts be established as a goal to be awarded to businesses owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities. The University is committed to achieving or surpassing this goal established by statute. In order to attain this goal and avoid being in violation with the purchasing laws of the State of Illinois, the University has created a program which provides the maximum opportunity for assisting and contracting with businesses owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities.
All procurements made by either the University Purchasing Office or individual department orders shall be entered into only after active solicitation when practicable of certified vendors appearing on the vendor lists published by the Department of Central Management Services (CMS). These lists are available in the Purchasing Office. For purchases not subject to the formal competitive selection procedures, including all departmental purchases under $1,500, the University will endeavor to purchase at least 12 percent of goods and services from businesses owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities.
Faculty and staff members who are aware of any businesses owned by minorities, females, or persons with disabilities are asked to direct those firms to the Purchasing Office for assistance in becoming certified with the State of Illinois and having their names placed on the CMS vendor list.
In all construction contracts bid by the University, the general contractor will be encouraged throughout the bid solicitation process to utilize subcontractors that are certified vendors through Central Management Services. Certified subcontractor names, when available, will be provided in the bid documents by the Purchasing Office.
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