Motorized Personal Mobility Vehicle Use Policy

Approval Date: 6/28/2022

Western Illinois University has adopted a Motorized Personal Mobility Vehicle Use Policy, which outlines the university's expectation of students, staff and faculty when operating a vehicle on campus. Below is the full text:


Western Illinois University promotes transportation options which improves or expands access to, from, and around campus. The University also encourages sustainable methods of transportation in an effort to reduce an individual’s carbon footprint. The following policy is designed to ensure that low speed Motorized Personal Mobility Vehicles utilized on the campus of Western Illinois University are implemented in such a way so as to maintain a safe and well-regulated campus. This policy does not apply to wheelchairs or ADA-related mobility aids.


“Motorized Personal Mobility Vehicle (MPMV)” is a motorized personal transportation device that includes, but is not limited to bicycles, scooters, skateboards, segways, hoverboards, onewheels, etc. that is powered by an electric motor. Vehicles that are powered with an internal combustion engine are not allowed on campus sidewalks or walkways. Any motorized vehicle that is classified as a motorcycle by the State of Illinois, must adhere to public roadway policies and laws.

“University property” or “campus” includes, for the purposes of this policy, any property owned, leased, or controlled by the University, including: sidewalks, walkways, buildings, grounds, parking lots, athletic and recreation facilities, and streets - as well as streets and roads adjacent to any property owned, leased, or controlled by the University.

Entities Affected

This policy applies to all colleges, departments, organizations, or individual members of the University community, including faculty, staff, students, contractors, volunteers, patients, customers, and visitors operating a MPMV on University property. Wheelchairs or ADA-related mobility aids do not apply.

University Acquisition of MPMVs

  1. Before a WIU affiliated department or office purchases an MPMV, they must receive permission from the Office of Risk Management.
  2. University owned MPMVs must have a registered sticker identifying that it is University property. The numbered sticker will be issued to the department having ownership from the Office of Risk Management following registration. To show registration, the department must submit an invoice to the Office of Risk Management upon purchase. The sticker must be displayed in the designated location for identifying purposes.

Operation & Safety

MPMVs should be operated in a safe and courteous manner at all times. In addition to adhering to requirements in the manufacturer’s owner’s manual, the following policies apply to the operation and use of MPMVs:

  1. MPMV users must be sixteen (16) years of age or older.
  2. MPMVs are to be operated at reasonable speeds based on terrain, weather conditions, existing pedestrian and vehicular traffic, or as environment safety concerns demand which may affect the ability to operate the MPMV safely. MPMVs should not exceed 15MPH on walkways.
  3. MPMVs should operate within bike lanes when available, on streets, and designated campus sidewalks or shared-use bike paths (except in heavily congested pedestrian areas). MPMVs must obey all traffic signs and signals and follow traffic laws when on public roadways.
  4. MPMVs must be operated in such a manner that does not impede or interfere with normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic flow on sidewalks, ramps, or roadways. When passing pedestrians, riders must slow down and allow plenty of clearance. Pedestrians will be given the right-of-way at all times. Operators must dismount MPMVs in heavily congested pedestrian areas.
  5. MPMVs are to be driven on a dry concrete surface unless a non-improved surface is the only available way to gain access to the specific area of destination or where work is being performed. If the MPMV vehicle must be driven on a landscaped area in order to allow a pedestrian(s) the proper right of way, it should be brought to a full stop, then immediately returned to the designated driving surface as soon as the area is clear.
  6. University owned MPMV’s must be outfitted with a horn or bell that can be used to alert others of approachment.
  7. MPMVs are not permitted to be operated while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or while using a device that is distracting or impedes hearing, e.g., cell phone, stereo headsets, earbuds, etc.
  8. The use of a properly fitted helmet while operating a MPMV is required for any vehicle owned by the University and strongly recommended for those possessing a personally owned MPMV.
  9. Headlights and reflectors are required for operating MPMVs in low light conditions - either on the operator or the MPMV. It is recommended that MPMVs not be rode at night.
  10. The use of decorative lighting is allowed on MPMVs, however, singular use of red and blue lighting that mimics emergency lighting is not allowed.
  11. MPMVs are to be used for mobility purposes only. Racing, stunt and trick riding is prohibited.
  12. Tandem riding is prohibited.
  13. Clinging to other motor vehicles is prohibited.
  14. MPMVs are prohibited from being ridden inside any campus owned building.


MPMVs must be parked at or adjacent to bicycle racks or other designated areas, which can be found on the campus bicycle & sustainability resource map.

  1. Inside parking for electric MPMVs is restricted to private offices or designated areas owned by the University and residential rooms within University housing facilities for personal owned vehicles (bicycles are not allowed in campus facilities).
  2. MPMVs may not block walkways, ramps, stairwells, entries/exits to buildings, or obstruct disabled access.
  3. MPMVs may not be placed adjacent or affixed to structures or architectural elements, including but not limited to: handrails, trees, fences, bus shelters, benches, light poles, signage, or parking meters.
  4. MPMVs shall be parked upright or folded on hard outdoor surfaces and when possible attached to bike racks.

Electric Charging Restrictions

  1. The charging of MPMVs is restricted to private offices or designated areas for vehicles owned by the University and residential rooms within University housing facilities for personal owned vehicles (bicycles are not allowed in campus facilities).
  2. The use of extension cords for charging MPMVs is prohibited.
  3. MPMVs requiring electrical charging must meet electrical safety standards set forth by the Underwriters Lab (UL) and be certified as UL Listed. MPMVs not certified by the UL are prohibited on University property.

Restricted Areas

The University reserves the right to designate dismount zones, restricted areas, or reduced speed zones at any time and on any part of campus if deemed necessary. When and if implemented, MPMVs will be subject to the restrictions set forth in those regions, which will be designated with signage.

Accident Reporting

  1. All accidents involving a MPMV and property damage or personal injury should first be reported to the WIU Office of Public Safety (OPS). Drivers should report an accident immediately to the supervisor of the department to which the MPMV is assigned, regardless of whether property damage or personal injury occurred.
  2. Supervisors have the responsibility to ensure that an incident report is filed with OPS involving any MPMV incident involving injury or property damage. For minor incidents that do not involve injury or property damage, a general report can be filed by clicking the link below:
  3. Upon completion of the investigation, depending on the severity, the driver may lose privileges to operate MPMV on behalf of the institution.


Any MPMV operators that do not follow the policies outlined herein are subject to fines, impoundment/confiscation, or other sanctions.