File code: STU.AIDS.POL
Approval Date: 07/22/86
Approved By:

Policy on Institutional Response to AIDS

Western Illinois University subscribes to the provisions of the "General Statement on Institutional Response to AIDS" developed by the American College Health Association.

In response to the recommendations published by the American Council on Education, the American College Health Association Task Force on AIDS and the U.S. Public Health Service of the Department of Health and Human Services, Western Illinois University has developed guidelines for responding to AIDS questions and concerns.

WIU administrators or staff members who receive inquiries about the University's position on students or staff who contract AIDS may quote the following statement:

"It is the policy of Western Illinois University that it will respond to information received concerning medically diagnosed cases of AIDS on a case-by-case basis. A case-by-case review is the procedure followed when any report is received by University officials concerning the presence of a serious communicable disease in the University community. Assessment of the risk to individuals and to the University community posed by reported AIDS cases will be made only after consultation with qualified medical and legal authorities. Any University action taken as a consequence of this assessment will be in full compliance with applicable laws protecting the confidentiality of educational and medical records and the privacy of individuals insofar as an assessment of the risk to the individual and the community allows."

If any verified medically diagnosed case of AIDS involving an employee or a student of WIU is brought to the attention of University officials, the following procedure will be followed:

In consultation with the President and/or the Administrative Assistant to the President, the appropriate Vice President(s), and the Director of the Beu Health Center shall determine: (a) what safeguards, if any, need to be taken, (b) what additional medical authorities need to be consulted, (c) who else may have a "need to know" about the report, and (d) what University action, if any, needs to be taken to assist the AIDS victim.

The Director of the Beu Health Center, the Vice President for Student Services, and the Administrative Assistant to the President are charged with the responsibility to stay conversant with the medical and legal issues associated with AIDS and to conduct case-by-case assessment of AIDS reports.