Fellows Program Logo 2021 for webpage
Making a Difference in Rural Illinois Since 1994

The Fellows Program in Community Development at Western Illinois University is a two-year graduate fellowship program for returned Peace Corps volunteers (RPCV) and AmeriCorps (AC) Alumni. The program is managed through the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs (IIRA) and offers RPCVs and AC Alumni an opportunity to pursue graduate studies with an emphasis on rural community and economic development.

As part of their degree program, Fellows serve an eleven-month internship in a rural community, leading local development projects, such as: downtown revitalization, business retention and expansion, tourism development, health education, volunteer management, and disaster preparedness. Fellows work to build local capacity, mobilize people, and make sustainable progress. Any small town, group of towns, or local/county/regional agencies are eligible to apply to host a Fellow.

Through its network on-campus and across the state, the Fellows Program creates and maintains excellent support for its graduate students and client communities.

Want to learn more? 

Contact Info

Email: pcf@wiu.edu
Phone: (309) 298-2268

 AmeriCorps Logo Navy Blue and USDA Logo and Peace Corps Logo


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