University News

Employee of the Month

October 13, 2008

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MACOMB, IL -- Duane Sidwell, groundsworker for the Physical Plant's landscape maintenance division, has been named the Western Illinois University October Civil Service Employee of the Month.

According to Sidwell's nominators, from day one of the Lake Ruth restoration, which occurred during the summer months, "Duane and his crew demonstrated enthusiasm and outstanding performance in carrying out their job duties. His performance went beyond expectations and above normal job requirements."

"Duane is to be commended for the tireless work that was demonstrated in the refurbishment of Lake Ruth and for the great care and concern that was taken not to harm fish and wildlife during the process," another nominator added.

Sidwell began working in Western's landscape maintenance department in 1990.

"We applaud Duane Sidwell for his hard work and dedication," said Laura Caldwell, Civil Service Employees Council (CSEC) public relations representative. "Duane and his crew show just how talented the department and division is by accomplishing what many thought would need to be done by an outside company. They truly helped restore one of the most significant images of this University."

Western faculty, staff and administrators, as well as community members, wishing to nominate a civil service employee for this recognition should contact Caldwell at (309) 298-1000 or e-mail

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing