University News

Woolam Named July Employee of the Month

July 3, 2003

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Vicky Woolam.

Employee of the Month Vicky Woolam. (Download print-quality image)

MACOMB, IL -- The Civil Service Employees Council (CSEC) at Western Illinois University is pleased to announce Vicky Woolam, payroll specialist III in the Western’s payroll office, has been selected the July Civil Service Employee of the Month.

Woolam was nominated for her dedication to her work, knowledge of her job and willingness to help in whatever way possible. According to the nominators, Woolam was instrumental in getting the online time cards up and running, and she creates a positive image of the payroll office.

“We’d like to congratulate Vicky on a job well-done and for making Western Illinois University a better place for faculty, staff and students,” said Paula Stull, CSEC public relations officer.

Western faculty, staff and administrators, as well as community members, wishing to nominate a civil service employee for this recognition should call Stull at 298-1967 or e-mail

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing