University News

History Career Roundtable Focus: Jobs Outside of Education

April 11, 2012

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MACOMB, IL – Find out what career opportunities outside of education are available for history majors during a 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 19 career roundtable in Stipes Hall 501 on the Western Illinois University campus.

Guest panelists will include alumnus Matthew Toland (B.A. '05, M.A. '10), assistant director of the Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies (Mount Carroll, IL); alumnus Seth Norburg (B.A. '04, M.A. '06), program coordinator with the Caterpillar Technical Center (Mossville, IL); and Jordan Pounders, manager of First State Bank of Illinois, Macomb branch. They will address how their studies helped prepare them for their careers.

Phi Alpha Theta, the national honorary society for history, and Associated Students of History, are sponsors for the career roundtable. For more information, contact Associate Professor of History Lee Brice, email

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