University News

WIU 37th Annual History Conference Set for March 24

March 9, 2012

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MACOMB, IL – History and social studies teachers at all levels, as well as high school and college students and history buffs, are invited to attend the 37th Annual History Conference at Western Illinois University later this month on the WIU-Macomb campus. Sponsored by the Western Illinois University College of Arts and Sciences, Department of History, WIU Foundation and Non-Credit Programs (in the School of Distance Learning, International Studies, and Outreach), the conference will be held Saturday, March 24, and conference registration and a continental breakfast will start at 8 a.m.

This year, the Larry T. Balsamo Keynote Address at the conference, slated to start at 1:30 p.m., will be presented by Daniel Walker Howe, a Rhodes Professor of American History Emeritus at Oxford University and Professor Emeritus of History at the University of California, Los Angeles. Howe's book, "What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848," published by Oxford University Press, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for 2008, as well as the annual American Historian Laureate of the New York Historical Society and the Prize of the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic.

In addition to Howe's address, faculty from the WIU history department will present approximately a dozen topics during morning sessions in Stipes Hall. Topics include: "A 50th Anniversary Overview of the Cuban Missile Crisis"; "The Deep Roots of Today's Economic Mess"; "Changing Perspectives on the Society of the Roman Army"; and the "Transformation of Dachau to a Memorial Site." Sessions will be conducted concurrently in one-hour time slots throughout the morning.

A 7-10 p.m. Friday, March 23 evening reception will be held in the University Union Sandburg Lounge, and a luncheon will be held at WIU's Multicultural Center the day of the conference (March 24).

Illinois public school teachers are eligible for continuing professional development units (CPDUs) through this conference and are encouraged to note their desire for CPDUs at the time of registration. The registration fee for professionals, which includes the March 24 luncheon, is $69 per person. The registration fee for full-time students is $30 per person, which includes the March 24 luncheon, or $10 per person without the luncheon. Registration closes Monday, March 19.

The 37th Annual History Conference brochure, which includes the conference schedule and the registration form, is available via a PDF on WIU's website at

For more information or to register, contact the WIU Non-Credit Programs Office at (309) 298-1911.

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