University News

Western Illinois University agriculture students get hands on experience as they work on an engine in an agricultural tractors and engines lab. The WIU School of Agriculture Spring 2012 Open House is slated for Friday, March 2. Photo courtesy of the Visual Production Center
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School of Ag Open House March 2

February 24, 2012

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MACOMB, IL -- Western Illinois University's School of Agriculture will host prospective students and their parents at its Annual Spring Open House slated to start at 9 a.m. Friday, March 2. At the open house, School of Ag faculty and current students will be on hand to answer questions and lead tours of the WIU-Macomb campus. A $100 scholarship will be given away at the event, said Darcie Rahe (Bluffs, IL), a senior studying agriculture.

Rahe, who also serves as the School of Ag's student recruitment coordinator, noted that agriculture is a lot more than cows, sows and plows. She said that students majoring in agriculture at WIU have many opportunities to learn—inside and outside of the classroom—about the various aspects of the wide-ranging industry.

"Students enrolled in WIU's School of Agriculture program have exceptional opportunities to learn about and experience many areas of the discipline," she added.

Those opportunities include getting hands-on experience at the School of Agriculture's field facilities, including research areas in organic and alternative crops; working in the School of Ag's animal research operations; joining an agriculture-related student organization, (i.e., the Ag Mech Club, which annually hosts the largest student-run farm show in the U.S., the Ag Mech Club's WIU Farm Expo, see; and more.

The schedule for the WIU School of Agriculture Spring 2012 Open House is listed below. For more information, contact the School of Ag at (309) 298-1080. You can register for the Spring 2012 Open House online at A WIU-Macomb campus map is available at and a map of the WIU Livestock Center location is available at

WIU School of Agriculture Spring 2012 Open House Schedule

9-10 a.m. — Registration/Student Organization Booths, WIU Livestock Center

10-10:15 a.m. — Welcome by School of Agriculture Director William Bailey, WIU Livestock Center

10:15-10:30 a.m. — Student Club Introductions, WIU Livestock Center

10:30 a.m.-noon — Faculty Discussions (all faculty members), WIU Livestock Center

noon-1 p.m. — Lunch, WIU Livestock Center

1-1:20 p.m. — Student Panel, WIU Livestock Center

1:20-2:20 p.m. — Campus Tour, WIU-Macomb campus

2:20-2:30 p.m. — Advising, Ember Keithley, academic adviser, WIU Livestock Center

2:30 p.m. — Closing Remarks, Livestock Center

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