Summer Session '11
April 13, 2011

MACOMB, IL – Top 10 Reasons to Spend Your Summer at Western
1. Graduate on time ... or early!
2. Lighten your course load.
3. Concentrate on one area of study.
4. Internships.
5. Smaller classes.
6. Improve your GPA.
7. "Jumpstart" for freshmen and transfers.
8. Flexible schedules.
9. Online courses.
10. Relaxed atmosphere.
From general education courses to online courses (log on from poolside!) to classes that count toward a major, Western's 2011 Summer Session has something to suit every student's schedule ... and degree.
Registration for current WIU students is underway for courses offered during the May pre-session; four-, six- and eight-week sessions; weekend academies; and online options. Additional summer opportunities at Western's Macomb campus include non-credit programs and conferences (youth summer camps — art, filmmaking, music, math, athletics and more); internships; and opportunities for Study Abroad experiences. Open registration for other students begins April 25.
"I encourage students to review the opportunities available for Summer Session 2011 at Western," said WIU Provost Jack Thomas. "Summer is an ideal time to take additional courses – either on campus or via distance learning options – to keep on track or to get ahead. We offer a variety of courses, and provide the academic resources to make summer session an enriching educational experience."
New students who enroll for summer courses and select Western as their university of choice also have the advantage of WIU's Cost Guarantee, which locks in the cost of tuition, fees, and room and board during their four years of enrollment. What a student pays this summer is what he or she will pay for the next four years, with no increases, changes or surprises.
For more information, visit or call the Provost's Office at (309) 298-1066.
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