University News

Illinois Performance Tested Ram Sale July 10 at WIU Livestock Center

July 2, 2010

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MACOMB, IL -- Western Illinois University's School of Agriculture will hold its 2010 Illinois Performance Tested Ram Sale on Saturday, July 10, at the WIU Livestock Center north of Western's Macomb campus. The event is slated to start at 5:30 p.m. with an educational seminar, followed by a free lamb barbecue at 6:15 p.m. The ram and ewe sale will begin at 7:30 p.m.

According to WIU School of Ag Associate Professor Mark Hoge, the purpose of the Illinois ram testing program is to identify animals and lines of breeding that area superior in performance. Testing eliminates guessing at performance, he added.

"The figures are available for buyers to assess," Hoge said. "The rams have been screened for soundness of feet, legs and mouth. While testing doesn't transform a ram into a superior ram by itself, breeders generally enter their larger rams and performance figures tell the story."

For more general information, driving directions to WIU's Livestock Center, information about the breeders, test result reports and photos of the 2010 sheep, visit More information is also available by contacting Hoge at (309) 298-2537 or or WIU's School of Ag at (309) 298-1080. The 2010 Illinois Performance Tested Ram Sale is also sponsored by the Illinois Lamb and Wool Producers.

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