Uke High at Horn Field Campus June 13

June 7, 2010

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MACOMB, IL -- Forget about being a Guitar Hero and become a Ukulele Underdog at Uke High offered at Western Illinois University's Horn Field Campus (HFC) from 1-3 p.m. Sunday, June 13 in Macomb. At Uke High, area high school students will have the opportunity to learn to play the four-stringed instrument, which recently has made a comeback, thanks, in part, to Jake Shimabukuroa, a ukulele virtuoso whose rendition of George Harrison's "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" went viral on YouTube (see Shimabukuroa is featured in a newly released documentary, "The Mighty Uke: The Amazing Comeback of a Musical Underdog."

Uke High, taught by Michael McGowan, professor in WIU's department of recreation, park and tourism administration (RPTA), is a program designed for high school students who have no experience with the ukulele. The two-hour instruction session will introduce students to the basics (tuning, basic chords, basic strumming techniques and songs).

Advanced registration for the Uke High workshop is required; interested individuals can register by contacting Western's RPTA department at (309) 298-2026. The registration fee for the workshop is $5, and ukuleles are provided for the first 11 participants who enroll. If you have your own or can borrow a ukulele, you may also register for the workshop.

Learn more about "The Mighty Uke" documentary via the National Public Radio (NPR) story at or via the documentary website at

For more information about Uke High, contact McGowan at or

HFC is located south of Macomb on China Road. From South Johnson Street (past Macomb High School), turn right on China Road and follow the road one-quarter of a mile to the Horn Field Campus entrance. Parking is permitted on the HFC lot.

Posted By: Teresa Koltzenburg (
Office of University Communications & Marketing