University News

AAS Liaisons Series Continues

September 30, 2009

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MACOMB, IL - - The second of three Fall 2009 Liaisons, the Western Illinois University Department of African American Studies (AAS) Faculty Lecture and Discussion Series for 2009-2010, is scheduled for tonight, Wednesday, Sept. 30 from 6-7:30 p.m. in the University Union Sandburg Lounge.

The roundtable discussion, to be led by Jo-Ann Morgan, associate professor of African American studies and art, and Alphonso Simpson, AAS interim chair and associate professor, is "African American Studies and the Arts."

The final fall discussion, scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 28, will be "Black in America Too: Afro-Caribbean Immigrants," which will be led by Associate Professor of Sociology Oswald Warner.

The lecture and discussion series is part of a continuing effort to acknowledge and celebrate the founding, four decades ago, of Black studies as an academic discipline within American colleges and universities, said Morgan. She added the word "liaisons" was chosen because of its definition as "the exchange of information or the planning of joint efforts by separate groups or individuals."

Throughout the lecture and discussion series, faculty guest speakers will talk about how studying African American history and culture can benefit students--regardless of what major they choose. Three lectures will be given in the Spring 2010 semester.

All programs are open free to the public and will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. in the University Union Sandburg Lounge.

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