University News

BOT Approves Lease Space for WIU-QC Engineering Program

March 27, 2009

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MACOMB/MOLINE, IL -- The Western Illinois University Board of Trustees approved at its meeting today in Macomb a lease agreement with Ruhl & Ruhl Commercial Company to lease The Caxton Block Building, 1701 River Dr., Moline, to temporarily house the new WIU-Quad Cities engineering program which begins in Fall 2009.

The Caxton Block Building is close to the WIU-QC Riverfront Campus and is part of the City of Moline's Mississippi River Urban Technology Corridor. The lease is for a period of up to five years at a cost not to exceed $200,000 annually.

According to Vice President of Quad Cities, Planning and Technology Joe Rives, the location of the Caxton Block Building supports the donors' (The Moline Foundation and the John Deere Foundation) wishes and the University's Higher Values in Higher Education 2008-2018 Strategic Plan goals related to community partnerships.

"It was essential to find space for the new engineering program so we could begin offering classes this fall. The current 60th Street Quad Cities campus is at maximum capacity and the new temporary space will support the laboratory and research needs for this program," Rives added. "We are excited to have the board's approval, and we look forward to hosting an open house once the lease agreement is finalized by both parties in the next few weeks. We also look forward to state funding for Building One on the new Western Illinois University-Quad Cities Riverfront Campus so this generous gift from the Moline and Deere foundations can fully support student scholarships and other programmatic needs."

In other business, the board discussed the annual assessment and evaluation process for WIU President Al Goldfarb; adopted revisions to residency status requirements for students; and reviewed a first reading of a revised intellectual property policy.

Other items on the Board's agenda included reports on the University's Strategic Plan, investment activities, contributions and financial aid.

The next Board of Trustees meeting will be held June 5 at the WIU-Moline campus.

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing