University News
McVey December Employee of the Month
January 7, 2009
MACOMB, IL – Sandra McVey, audio-visual technician II for the Western Illinois University Libraries, was named the WIU December Civil Service Employee of the Month.
According to her nominator, McVey always takes her duties seriously and is always prepared. "She is courteous and understanding to all the patrons who use the services provided or ask for help. Sandra has accepted the vast changes with technology and attends to her duties with much enthusiasm."
"Sandra takes a lot of pride in whatever she does. She stays past closing time to help patrons with problems or those who have come in at the last minute. Sandra is always positive and her helpful attitude definitely improves the image of the University," her nominator added.
McVey began working at Western in August 1990 as a library clerk. After completing a trainee program, her position was reclassified to library clerk II. Her position was reallocated to audio-visual technician II in December 1996.
"Sandra's activities and the way she approaches her work makes a positive impact on the University and the constinuencies it serves," said Laura Caldwell, Civil Service Employees Council (CSEC) public relations representative. "We applaud Sandra for being such a tremendous asset to Western Illinois University."
Western faculty, staff and administrators, as well as community members, wishing to nominate a civil service employee for this recognition should contact Caldwell at (309) 298-1000 or e-mail
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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