University News
Abbot Named Employee of the Month
July 15, 2008
MACOMB, IL -- Warren Abbot, a building service worker at Document and Publication Services (DPS), has been named the Western Illinois University July Civil Service Employee of the Month.
According to Abbot's nominator, "Warren's attitude when handling even the toughest of jobs is one of his greatest attributes. He works to arrange a schedule that helps the staff and will always ask if there is a way to help improve the look and maintenance of DPS. The offices are welcoming and present a great image to all those who work there and those who visit."
Abbot began working at Western in April 1995.
"Warren's work and exceptional attitude make him an outstanding employee. He, like many Civil Service employees, contributes to a positive image at WIU," said Greg Phelps, Civil Service Employees Council (CSEC) interim public relations representative.
Western faculty, staff and administrators, as well as community members, wishing to nominate a civil service employee for this recognition should contact Phelps at 309/298-2730 or e-mail
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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