University News

"Burma: Beauty Under the Beast" Discussions April 21

April 21, 2008

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MACOMB, IL - - Physician Nora E. Rowley of the U.S. Campaign for Burma will present a photo-essay from her six months in Western Burma today, Monday, April 21 between 10 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Western Illinois University Sandburg Lounge and Theatre.

Dr. Rowley will lead a discussion about the main obstruction to peace in Burma and a cause of worsening humanitarian crises, which is Burma's ruling military junta that has developed strongly dependent economic, energy and geopolitical ties with all of its neighbors, according to Yan Lwin, WIU physics professor emeritus and a Burma native. China's role as No. 1 ally to the Burma military regime will be highlighted and brought into contrast with their hosting the 2008 Olympics.

Dr. Rowley served a six-month medical relief mission (2006-2007) and has also worked with Doctors Without Borders on a medical field doctor mission in Myanmar/Burma. She has given discussions and lectures about Burma on many campuses and to civic groups.

The event is open free to the public. Anyone interested in learning more about this topic is welcome to stop by the University Union Sandburg Theatre anytime between
10 a.m.-3 p.m. For more information, call 309/833-3908 or 255-7068.

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