Cell Phones for Soldiers Drive Adds Off-Campus Collection Site

November 9, 2007

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MACOMB, IL - - Western Illinois University's military science department partnered with Cell Phones for Soldiers in October to support the more than 150,000 troops who are serving overseas by serving as a collection site for unused cell phones.

Now, Minus Muffler, located at 121 N. Prairie Ave. in Macomb, has set up a drop-off box for community members who do not wish to deal with campus construction and parking issues, according to military science personnel.

"We're asking Americans to make a small sacrifice of support by donating their unused cell phones, providing families with a much-needed connection to their loved ones overseas," said Brittany Bergquist, Cell Phones for Soldiers co-founder.

Cell Phones for Soldiers was founded by teenagers Robbie and Brittany Bergquist from Norwell, MA, with $21 of their own money. Since then, the registered 501c3 non-profit organization has raised almost $1 million in donations and distributed more than 500,000 prepaid calling cards to soldiers serving overseas.

The phones are sent to ReCellular, which pays Cell Phones for Soldiers for each donated phone – enough to provide an hour of talk time to soldiers abroad.

Approximately half of the phones ReCellular processes are reconditioned and resold to wholesale companies in more than 40 countries around the world. Phones and components that cannot be refurbished are dismantled and recycled to reclaim materials, including: gold, silver and platinum from circuit boards; copper wiring from phone chargers; nickel, iron, cadmium and lead from battery packs; and plastic from phone cases and accessories.

For more information about Cell Phones for Soldiers, visit www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com.

Local cell phone donations are accepted in two outlets:

  • WIU's military science department, Horrabin Hall 103, contact Lori Menke, telephone 309/298-1161, e-mail LL-Menke@wiu.edu; and
  • Minus Muffler, 121 N. Prairie Ave., Macomb, telephone 309/837-6444.

Posted By: University Communications (U-Communications@wiu.edu)
Office of University Communications & Marketing