University News

Wall Business Scholarship Established

May 21, 2007

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MACOMB, IL -- While some scholarships may honor a recently departed loved one, Larry Wall, management professor and associate dean of Western Illinois University's College of Business and Technology, wanted to recognize his father by creating the Dr. Lewis E. Wall Scholarship at WIU during his lifetime.

"My wife and I thought it was better to create a scholarship in honor of my father while he was still living and could appreciate it," Wall said. "He was committed to helping students and it is an honor to help Western students from his department and give back to Western."

Lewis Wall taught in the department of information management and decision sciences at WIU from 1968-1987. He served as department chair from 1972-1975 and again from 1978 until he retired in 87.

"My father is a teachers' teacher," Wall said. "During long summer graduate classes he taught, he would buy bags of Snickers© and bring them to class. Then periodically throughout the class he would toss them to the students to keep the people involved and engaged."

The $2,000 annual scholarship is available to junior and senior information systems and decision sciences or management majors with a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Applications are available in the College of Business and Technology Dean's Office,
Stipes Hall.

The 2007-2008 scholarship recipient is Alex Geeves, a senior information management major from Macomb. For more information, contact WIU's College of Business and Technology at 309/298-2442.

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing