University News

WSRC Releases 2006 McDonough County Poll Results

May 17, 2007

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MACOMB, IL - - Results of a 2006 poll of McDonough County residents' views of the conditions of their communities and their opinions about current issues has been released by the Western Survey Research Center, which operates through the College of Arts and Sciences at Western Illinois University.

A random sample of McDonough County residents received a questionnaire through the mail and by telephone during the Fall 2006 semester, according to David Rohall, a sociology assistant professor and director of the Western Survey Research Center.

WIU students, trained in proper survey methods, participated in the telephone portion of the survey. A total of 426 residents were queried, which was a 42 percent response rate with a margin of error of plus or minus five percent. Approximately one-half of the respondents were from Macomb; the remainder included residents of Colchester, Bushnell and other towns in the county, Rohall added.

The poll indicates that McDonough County residents generally believe that things will stay the same or get better in the next five years, and they also report little change in the county in the past five years. More than 50 percent of residents report being satisfied or very satisfied with county services and facilities including streets, law enforcement, parks and recreation, library services and education (K-12). Less than 50 percent of residents report being satisfied with services and facilities such as housing, retail shopping, restaurants and entertainment.

More than 50 percent of McDonough County residents approve of their town government, while slightly less than 50 percent approve of the county government. Only a minority approve of the federal government.

When asked their opinions about several specific issues and concerns facing the community, county residents report being most concerned about illegal drugs. More than 50 percent of respondents also report property taxes, theft, vandalism and other taxes to be a somewhat or serious threat to their communities today.

More detailed information about the poll can be obtained by contacting Rohall at or at 309/298-1632.

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