14th Annual DWDI at WIU May 21-22
May 14, 2007

MACOMB, IL -- Western Illinois University's 14th Annual Dealing With Difference Institute (DWDI) will be held in the University Union on the WIU-Macomb campus Monday and Tuesday, May 21-22. Intercultural communication is the theme of this year's institute.
2007 DWDI presenters include:
Kevin Fahey, a professor at Salem State College, MA, who will present "What Do We Talk About: How Do We Talk About It?" and "What Do We Think? And What Decisions Do We Make?"
Franklin Thompson, who teaches courses in human relations, race relations, urban education and counseling at the University of Nebraska, Omaha, who will discuss "Interactive Diversity Teaching Techniques, Part 1 and 2."
John Baldwin, an associate professor of communication at Illinois State University, who will focus on "How Do We Teach Culturally? How Do We Teach Culture?"
AnaLouise Keating, a professor of women's studies at Texas Woman's University, who will lead "Transformational Multiculturalism, Transcultural Dialogues, and Social Change."
Kent Koppelman, author of "Values in the Key of Life: Making Harmony in the Human Community and Understanding Human Differences: Multicultural Education for a Diverse America," who will present "Cross-Cultural Relations Beyond the Campus."
In addition to the guest presenters, Western Illinois faculty J.Q. Adams and Gloria Delany-Barmann, educational and interdisciplinary studies; Isabel Lamptey of the Center for Preparation of Education Professionals; and Mohammad Siddiqi, English and journalism; will lead the final session May 22. During a panel discussion, the group will focus on "Navigating Cross-Cultural Encounters in the USA and Beyond." They will describe and analyze their varied experiences interacting across multiple cultures from their perspectives as individuals born in the United States or as immigrants to this country.
A complete schedule and registration, including fees, is available on the Illinois Association for Cultural Diversity website at www.wiu.edu/iacd. The institute is sponsored by Western's Expanding Cultural Diversity Project and the Illinois Association for Cultural Diversity.
For more information, contact Adams at JQ-Adams@wiu.edu, Welsch at JR-Welsch@ wiu.edu or 309/298-2057 or Suzanne Boussaard at S-Boussaard@wiu.edu.
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (U-Communications@wiu.edu)
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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