University News

Joe Bailey (left) of the Alpha Zeta ag club and Brian Dallam of the Collegiate FFA club discuss their purchases for the ag clubs' recent shopping trip for area children.
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Ag Department Clubs Makes Holidays a Little Brighter

December 13, 2006

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MACOMB, IL – The true spirit of the season is about giving to others, and a group of Western Illinois University students got into that holiday spirit by helping local children in need.

Western agriculture departmentÂ’s 14 student organizations recently met at a local retailer armed with a list of names from an Angel Tree and from the AnitaÂ’s Kids Foundation to shop for less-fortunate area children, according to Brian Dallam, a senior agriculture major from Amboy (IL) and the departmentÂ’s student recruitment coordinator.

“We all decided to meet after our classes Dec. 6 and shop for these kids. Each club took one of the names on the list and fulfilled that child’s wish list,” Dallam said. “We spent more than $600, and we had so much fun shopping for these kids. I heard from many of my classmates how rewarding this was. Rarely do we get to go out with a list and be able to buy everything on it, so to do just that was fantastic.”

More than 20 Western agriculture students from the following clubs participated: Agricultural Council; Agribusiness Club; Agricultural Mechanization Club; Ag-Vocators; Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity; Alpha Gamma Sigma fraternity; Alpha Zeta national honorary fraternity; Collegiate FFA; Forestry Club; Hoof-N-Horn; Horticulture Club; Livestock Judging; Sigma Alpha sorority; and WIU Trading Group.

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing