University News

Election Roundtable Nov. 15 at WIU

November 13, 2006

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MACOMB, IL - - A roundtable discussion of the 2006 elections will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 15 in Currens Hall 205 on the Western Illinois University campus.

Panelists will include Zach Stamp, attorney, WIU alumnus and former chair of Western’s Board of Trustees; Rich Egger, news director of Western’s WIUM/WIUW/WIUS Public Radio; and political science faculty Keith Boeckelman, Janna Deitz and Dennis Pohlman. Rick Hardy, political science chair, will serve as panel moderator.

The election discussion is open free to the public. For more information, contact the WIU political science department at 309/298-1055.

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