University News

CBT Faculty Recognized

August 31, 2006

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MACOMB, IL – College of Business and Technology faculty were recently honored for their accomplishments during the 2005-2006 school year.

Faculty recognized include: Roger Runquist, engineering technology, Excellence in Teaching with Technology; Rajeev Sawhney, management, Excellence in Scholarly/Creative/Performative/Professional Activities; Emeric Solymossy, management, Excellence in University/Community Service; Barbara Ribbens, management, Excellence in Internationalizing the Campus; and Joe Dobson, management, Excellence in Teaching.

Those faculty will now advance for consideration in the Provost's Circle of Excellence competitionWinners will be announced Sept. 25.

Retiring faculty honored include: Fred Ebeid, CBT dean; Manny Ardalan, information management and decision sciences; and Rolf Hackmann and Joseph Panici, marketing and finance. In addition to the faculty honorees, more than 45 students in the College of Business and Technology were recognized for their academic achievements.

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing