University News

Brazilian Scholar on WIU Campus This Week

August 22, 2006

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MACOMB, IL – Vanessa Goldoni, a project manager at Dell in Porto Alegre, Brazil is on the Western Illinois University campus this week to discuss global business strategies with students and to collaborate on research with information management and decision sciences (IMDS) faculty.

“Vanessa’s experience in software development at a major global corporation will help our students understand the global and technological issues facing businesses in the 21st century,” said Tej Kaul, chair of the IMDS department.

While at Western, Goldoni is working in the area of knowledge management with IMDS Professor Chandra Amaravadi.

“Knowledge management is the new driver of productivity in the knowledge economy. The basic idea is to realize value from a company’s intellectual assets. For example, an experienced worker in a factory may have knowledge of how to deal with a particular machine. If this is shared with new employees, they will be more effective and the company is more competitive,” explained Amaravadi.

Goldoni will also present “Managing Projects in Multi-National Companies” at 3 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 24 in Stipes Hall 121. The lecture, sponsored by the Office of Global Education in the College of Business and Technology, is open free to the public.

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing