University News

Department of Accountancy Student Chapter Receives Nat'l Award of Excellent

July 24, 2006

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MACOMB, IL – Western Illinois University accountancy students recently received two awards at the 87th Annual IMA Conference and Exposition in Las Vegas.

The Student Chapter of the Institute of Management Accountants (SCIMA) was one of three Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) student chapters in the nation to win the prestigious 2005-2006 Award of Excellence. The IMA judged the chapter on its incorporation of the IMAÂ’s mission and vision statements into the chapterÂ’s strategic plan and activities, and their use of innovative methods to serve its students and the IMA.

WesternÂ’s chapter submitted a portfolio of its activities including newsletters, information on its educational meetings and plant tours, community services, website information and participation in the student video case competition.

SCIMA President Colleen McDonald, a senior from Oak Park (IL), and Diana McCabe, faculty adviser, accepted the trophy on behalf of SCIMA.

SCIMA also won the Award of Excellence – Best Practices Award for its Strategic Plan. The IMA required that SCIMA’s strategic plan establish the long-term vision for the chapter’s future and plans for its achievement. The plan included the chapter’s mission and vision statements, specific goals and strategies for the current year, strengths and weaknesses, a treasurer’s budget and a timeline of the year’s key events.

SCIMA Vice President Daniel Hamburg, a senior from Palos Heights (IL), accepted the plaque from Carl Smith, 2005-2006 IMA chair, and David Eichelberger, chair of the IMA Committee on Students.

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing