University News

31st Annual History Conference April 29

April 17, 2006

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MACOMB, IL - - Western Illinois University’s history department will host the 31st Annual History Conference, “Finding New Paths to the Past,” beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday, April 29 in Morgan Hall. The conference will feature John Lynn, history professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, presenting “Is There a Western Way of War” at 1:45 p.m. in the University Union Heritage Room.

Throughout the day, Western professors will present topics including women of the Civil Rights Movement, the Crusades through MuslimÂ’s eyes, U.S. intelligence failures and historiansÂ’ interpretations of Clio vs. Hitler. Participants in the conference can choose from four different presentations each hour beginning at 9 a.m. Lunch will be served at 12:45 p.m. in the University Union Heritage Room, followed by LynnÂ’s presentation.

Lynn’s research interests include the history of Western and non-Western military institutions and warfare, focusing on eras of military change. He has authored several books on the history of war, including the recent “Battle: A History of Combat and Culture,” which spans the continents and centuries. His book “Battle and The Wars of Louis XIV” will appear in French editions later this year.

Lynn currently serves as president of the United States Commission on Military History and vice-president of the Society for Military History. In 2001 he won the Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. He also received the Palmes Académiques -- the most prestigious decoration a scholar can receive from the French Government, given to those who have advanced the cause of French culture, education and the arts -- in 2004 at the rank of chevalier.

The deadline for registration -- $65 professional fee, $25 student fee with lunch or $10 without -- is Monday, April 24. For more information, contact WesternÂ’s Non-Credit Programs Office at 309/298-1911 or e-mail Participants can also visit Non-Credit Programs website to download a PDF of the conference brochure.

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