University News

Physics Colloquium on Mysteries of the Universe

March 16, 2006

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MACOMB, IL - Western Illinois University’s physics department will host a 4 p.m. colloquium by Craig Copi, researcher at Case Western Reserve University, Tuesday, March 21 in Currens Hall 205. Copi will present “Cosmic Conundrums: Knowledge and Mysteries of the Universe.”

According to Copi, the universe is an experiment that has been done once, has been running for billions of years and we have only recently noticed it.

“We understand the evolution of the universe starting from almost the instant of creation. We can trace its growth, the evolution of its elements and quantify its energy content, but we only know the nature of five percent of the energy in the universe,” he said.

In his talk, Copi will review what is known about the universe, how it has been discovered and some of the remaining mysteries. He will discuss some of the experiments and developments to look for in the near future, including the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), which will release a new data set around the time of the colloquium.

Copi received his Ph.D. (1996) from the University of Chicago. He has been associated with Case Western Reserve University since 1997, first as a postdoctoral fellow and more recently as lecturer. He has an extensive record of professional publications.

This colloquium is open free to the public. For more information, contact WesternÂ’s physics department at 309/298-1596.

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