University News

Exchange and Study Programs to Turkey and Greece

September 27, 2005

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MACOMB, IL - - Western Illinois University and Macomb area community members interested in learning about exchange and study opportunities in Turkey and Greece are invited to attend a Thursday, Oct. 6 informational event hosted by Western’s history department and the Associated Students of History.

“Turkey and Greece with the History Department: Graduate Exchange Programs and Study Abroad Initiatives” will begin at 7 p.m. in Morgan Hall 302.

The evening will include remarks from Assistant Professor Walter Kretchik concerning his experiences teaching American history at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey from 2001-2003. Kretchik will also speak about the recently initiated graduate student international exchange program between Western’s and Bilkent’s history departments, including how this exchange came about, program goals, educational and travel opportunities and how to apply for the program. Sharing her experiences here in Macomb and in Turkey will be graduate student Melike Tokay, the first participant from Bilkent University.

History graduate assistant Karen Drake (Wataga, IL) and senior history major Steve Catania (Naperville, IL) will share stories and images from their Summer 2005 Study Abroad experience in Greece. They were part of a combined history trip, led by Western’s Assistant Professor Lee Brice and Georgia Tsouvala from Monmouth College, that visited sites all over the mainland including Athens, Corinth, Sparta, Olympia and Vergina, burial place of members of Alexander the Great’s family. Drake, who previously earned bachelor’s degrees in business (1994) and history (2003), will also discuss the history department’s Study Abroad opportunities and application procedures for a planned program in Rome.

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