Counselor Education Faculty Receive Honors

November 15, 2004

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MOLINE, IL – Two Western Illinois University counselor education (CNED) faculty were honored recently at the North Central Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (NCACES) conference in St. Louis. NCACES is an association of counselor educators and supervisors from a 13-state region.

Department Chair Melanie Rawlins was presented the NCACES Professional Leadership Award, which honors excellence in leadership at the national, regional or state level. All nominators cited Rawlins’s leadership within the Illinois Counseling Association (ICA), dating back to the mid-1970s; and over the years she has participated within ICA in 10 different leadership capacities. In recognition of her work within the ICA, in Fall 2003 she was awarded the prestigious C.A. Michelman Award for making significant contributions toward raising professional counseling standards. Rawlins has also demonstrated leadership as a counselor educator and administrator in addition to a record of extensive publications and presentations. Rawlins has served as chair of Western’s CNED department since 1997.

Also honored was CNED Assistant Professor Richard Henriksen, who received the NCACES Outstanding Diversity Award, which honors significant multicultural contributions to the profession in counseling, counselor education or supervision. Henriksen was recognized for his commitment to, and advocacy of, the multiculturally competent counselor education and practice. Henriksen joined Western’s faculty in 2002 and has since established a record of research and publication in the field of multicultural counseling. He was also honored by ICA in 2003 with the Wendell S. Dysinger Award for Outstanding Professional Counseling Publication.

Most recently the ICA recognized CNED Professor William McFarland with their Illinois Counselor Educators and Supervisors (ICES) Counselor Educator of the Year Award, which was based on numerous nominations that spoke to McFarland’s teaching excellence, design and implementation of developmental counseling programs, presentations and workshops, and contributions to professional organizations. The award was presented at the ICA conference Nov. 5. McFarland has taught at Western since 1989; in 2003 he received the NCACES Outstanding Professional Teaching Award.

“I am proud and pleased that our CNED colleagues are being recognized with these highly deserved awards,” said Bonnie Smith-Skripps, dean of Western’s College of Education and Human Services. “Their commitment to their students and their profession contributes to the CNED department’s excellence and integrity.”

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing