University News

Robert Shaffer Services

November 6, 2003

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A memorial service will be held at 6 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9 in the Congregational Church, 520 W. College, Jacksonville for Robert Shaffer, 52, theatre technical director at Western Illinois University. Family visitation will be after the service.

Shaffer died Nov. 3. He had been at Western since Fall 2000. He completed his MFA at the University of Illinois in 1990. Memorial contributions can be made to the Congregational Church. Arrangements are being made by the Gillham-Buchanan Funeral Home in Jacksonville.

Services were held Nov. 3 for Ron Oakman, 66, Blandinsville, who had been a building service worker at Western.

“The University extends its sympathies to the families and friends of our former colleagues,” said WIU President Al Goldfarb.

Faculty, staff and administrators are asked to notify the office of the President if they know of an employee or retired employee who is hospitalized; who has experienced the loss of a member of their immediate family or who has passed away. The president’s office may be reached at 309/298-1824 by phone or 309/298-2089 by fax.

Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing