Foundation, Office of Sponsord Projects Award Grants for Summer 2025

December 13, 2024

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MACOMB, IL - - Three Western Illinois University faculty have been awarded grants from the WIU Foundation and the Office of Sponsored Projects for Summer 2025.

The grants amount to $9,000 and will be used toward professional advancement and the enhancement of teaching and research at WIU.

Professors earning the grants and their research subjects, are:

  • Seongchan Kim, School of Engineering and Technology - Enhancing the Construction Management Curriculum Through the Integration of 4D and 5D BIM (Building Information Modeling) Technologies.

  • Lu Lu, School of Accounting, Finance, Economics and Decision Sciences - Home-country Best Practice Guidelines and Regulators' Assessment of Management and Auditor Reporting on Internal Control: Evidence from Cross-listed firms.

  • Brian Locke, School of Music - Music, Gymnastics, and Nation Building in the Career of Czech Composer Hynek Palla (1837-1896).

"As part of our mission to promote and support scholarly activity, the Office of Sponsored Projects is honored to be engaged with the WIU Foundation in supporting the Summer Stipend Program," Shannon Sutton, director of the Office of Sponsored Projects said.

Clare Thompson, executive officer of the WIU Foundation, said the Foundation is excited to continue this program and support the faculty.

"The WIU Foundation is proud to support our University faculty's scholarly activity," Thompson said. "Since 1989, the Foundation has provided Summer Stipend Awards so faculty have the opportunity to engage in projects beyond those traditionally pursued during the academic year."

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