University News

125 Anniversary Celebration: Olivia Raymond

August 23, 2024

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Editor's Note: This is the next in a series of stories about Western Illinois University students, alumni, and community members, highlighting their experiences during our 125th anniversary celebration. We will feature 125 individuals from August 2024 to August 2025.

MACOMB, IL - - Olivia Raymond, an Art Studio major with a minor in Event Planning, exemplifies the impact WIU has on its students and the broader community.

"At first, I was not sure where I wanted to go," Raymond said. "But after some convincing, I decided to commit to our local university. I love being able to commute from home and still participate in everything. Students at Western are like one big family and the support and kindness are unbeatable!"

Olivia's journey at WIU has been nothing short of transformative. She thrived as a student-athlete, engaged in numerous clubs and groups, taught dance classes at the recreation center and volunteered around campus. Her experience reflects the vibrant, inclusive and supportive environment that WIU fosters.

"I've gained several professional relationships and references to drive my future career. I love how the professors refer to us as their 'co-workers,' and we are all on a first-name basis! I have never felt more prepared for my dream job studying art, fashion and photography," Raymond said.

WIU stands out as an affordable institution; where students like Raymond can create lasting connections and participate in a wide array of activities.

As we honor 125 years of educational excellence, we invite local WIU students to share their stories and be featured in our series. Contact University Communications at to participate.

Posted By: Lexi Dittmar (
Office of University Communications & Marketing