University News

WIU Council of Academic Advisors Seeks Nominations for Advisor of the Year

April 29, 2022

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MACOMB/MOLINE, IL - -The Western Illinois University Council of Academic Advisors (COAA) is seeking nominations for the Outstanding Advisor of the Year Award. The award is given every year to an advisor who is a full- or part-time academic support personnel or faculty member responsible for the academic advising of undergraduate students and is assigned a caseload of academic advisees.

The pool of nominees consists of the entire advising community. Eligible nominees must have been employed at WIU during the 2021-22 academic year. Criteria includes service to students as an advisor, student-based perception of the advisor's abilities, the composition and effective management of caseload with emphasis on qualitative management, an "above and beyond" experience, knowledge of advising principles and rules, a best-practice experience in dealing with a student and meeting students needs beyond expectation.

Each nomination should provide a support letter describing the nominator's perception of the advisor's effectiveness. Nomination materials must include at least two letters of support and no more than five. All support letters should be collected by the nominee and submitted at one time to College of Business and Technology Academic Advisor and COAA Committee Chair Ember Keithley. Letters of support from students are encouraged.

The COAA Awards & Recognition Committee will not be responsible for the assembly of nomination packets. If the original nominator is not the department chair or supervisor of the nominee, the nominee should ask the chair or supervisor to submit in writing his/her perceptions of the advisor's effectiveness.

Selection will be made by the Outstanding Academic Advisor Award Committee: Chair and Vice-chair of the COAA, the COAA Awards & Recognition Committee, previous year's award recipient and an appointee from the WIU Student Services and Faculty Senate.

The award winner's nomination materials can then be adapted and submitted to the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) for consideration of their Outstanding Advising Award. The runner up can have their application materials adapted and submitted to ILACADA for consideration of their Outstanding Academic Advisor Award.

Nomination materials should be submitted electronically to Chair of the Council of Academic Advisors Awards & Recognitions Committee Keithley ( no later than Friday, May 20.

For more information about the advising services at Western, visit

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