'Foos for Families' Raises Nearly $4,000

March 25, 2019

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MACOMB, IL – A human foosball tournament and surrounding events, planned with the help of a Western Illinois University Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration (RPTA) class, raised nearly $4,000 for the Center for Youth and Family Solutions (CYFS).

The fourth annual Foos for Families event, which also included support from CYFS and the Macomb Park District, took place March 3 in the Donald S. Spencer Student Recreation Center.

Prior to the event, a raffle was held at Chubby's in downtown Macomb to raise money, and the restaurant donated a portion of the night's dinner sales to the tournament total.
Students in Jeremy Robinett's Spring 2019 RPTA 467, "Event Planning and Management," course helped plan and promote the event and provided labor during the raffle and the tournament.

"The community was incredibly supportive of our endeavor; we couldn't have done it without all of their support," said Robinett. "In addition to all of the individuals and companies who bought raffle tickets and/or donated items for our raffle at Chubby's, we also had monetary donations and gifts-in-kind."

Event sponsors included the Macomb Park District; WIU Campus Recreation; Terry and Laurie Burch; McDonough District Hospital; Casey's General Store; Lucie, Scalf, Sutton and Bougher, Attorneys at Law; Macomb Fraternal Order of Police #189; No Place Like Home; RNJ Distribution; Regional Office of Education #26; Spoon Family Christmas Light Display; Webb Automotive ; Depoy Auto Service; Elks Lodge #1009; Hy-Vee; Mayor Mike Inman; Pepsi Refreshment Services; Chubby's and United Community Bank.

"Foos for Families continues to be an example of the tremendous positive impact that involvement between companies, non-profit organizations and the University can have in Macomb and our local communities," said Robinett.
Carrie Depoy, youth, family and outreach supervisor for CYFS, said the event raises funds and awareness about the needs of families in the community. 

"Specifically, this event helps us raise funds for items like school supplies, winter coats, activity fees, haircuts, hygiene products, cleaning items, fuel cards to attend counseling and many other everyday needs," she said.  

For more information about the event, visit the Foos for Families Facebook page (facebook.com/FoosforFamilies).

Posted By: University Communications (U-Communications@wiu.edu)
Office of University Communications & Marketing