University News

Princeton Review: WIU "Best Midwestern College" 15 Consecutive Years

August 21, 2018

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MACOMB/MOLINE, IL -- For 15 consecutive years, Western Illinois University has been recognized among the "best of the best" by The Princeton Review. WIU's exceptional academic programs, services and resources has led to the 2019 "Best Midwestern College" designation for Western from The Princeton Review.

Western is one of 159 regional universities, and one of two Illinois public institutions, named to the "Best in the Midwest" list.

The 159 colleges included in the "Best in the Midwest" list are located in 12 states: Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Collectively, the 661 colleges named "regional best(s)" comprise 25 percent of the nation's 2,500 four-year colleges, according to The Princeton Review.

"We are pleased with the continued recognition from The Princeton Review," said WIU President Jack Thomas. "Western is an outstanding institution of higher learning that prepares our students to be highly successful citizens, and we will continue to strive for excellence in all that we do."

The Princeton Review editors make the selections based on data the company collects from its survey of administrators at several hundred colleges in each region, as well as its staff visits to schools over the years and the perspectives of college counselors and advisers, whose opinions the company solicits. The selections also take into account what students at the schools report about their experiences via an in-depth survey. The Princeton Review asks students to rate their own schools on several issues, from the accessibility of their professors to the quality of the campus food, and to answer questions about themselves, their fellow students and their campus lives.

Students commented that WIU's faculty members are "knowledgeable" and "very good," while the administration is "very helpful." Students surveyed also note that "it's very easy to find a place where you belong" and the University provides a "very homelike atmosphere."

For more information about WIU, or to apply, visit

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