Faculty Promotions

June 11, 2018

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MACOMB/MOLINE, IL -- On May 1, WIU President Jack Thomas approved promotions of the following tenured faculty members from the rank of associate professor to professor, effective Fall 2018:

College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Geography, GIS and Meteorology: Redina Herman
Department of Mathematics and Philosophy: Clifton Ealy
Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Sarah Haynes, Amy Carr
Department of English: Christopher Morrow
Department of Biological Sciences: Sean Jenkins

College of Education and Human Services
Department of Educational Studies: Bridget Sheng
Department of Kinesiology: Ritchie Gabbei
Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration: Paul Schlag
School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration: Vladimir Sergevnin

College of Fine Arts and Communication
Department of Communication: Ilon Lauer
School of Music: Jeffrey Brown, Jennifer Jones

College of Business and Technology
School of Agriculture: Kevin Bacon

Promotions of the following faculty members from the rank of assistant professor to associate professor, effective Fall 2018:

College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences: Christopher Jacques
Department of Chemistry: Brian Bellott
Department of English: Jose Ferandez, Magdelyn Helwig, Alisha White
Department of Geology: Thomas Hegna
Department of Mathematics and Philosophy: Douglas LaFountain, Seyfi Turkelli
Department of Political Science: Kimberly Rice
Department of Psychology: Jonathan Hammersley, Kathy McGuire
Department of Sociology and Anthropology: Christina Davis

College of Business and Technology
Department of Engineering Technology: Brian Stone
Department of Management and Marketing: Yin-Chi Liao, Tae Yang
School of Engineering: Il-Seop Shin, Khaled Zbeeb

College of Education and Human Services
Department of Curriculum and Instruction: Boh Young Lee
Department of Educational Studies: Lora Wolff
School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration: Thomas Meloni

College of Fine Arts and Communication
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders: Amanda Silberer
Department of Communication: Josh Averbeck, L.B. Young
School of Music: Anita Hardeman, John McMurtery
Department of Theatre and Dance: Lysa Fox

Promotions of the following faculty members from the rank of instructor to assistant professor, effective Fall 2018:

College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Chemistry: Shaozhong Zhang

College of Education and Human Services
Department of Curriculum and Instruction: Heather Crouch

Posted By: University Communications (U-Communications@wiu.edu)
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