WIU Celebrates Minority Health Month in April
April 2, 2018

MACOMB, IL - Western Illinois University will observe Minority Health Month in April with the theme "Partnering for Health Equity: Our Global Social Responsibility."
The month will provide opportunities for the WIU and Macomb communities to participate in activities and educational programming focused on increasing awareness of health-related concerns and the impact on various minority populations.
Minority Health Month is recognized annually, at the national level, by the Office of Minority Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Minority Health Month began 103 years ago, originally proposed by Dr. Booker T. Washington as "National Negro Health Week." According to the Office of Minority Health, the initiative grew into a month-long program to advance health equity across the country, on behalf of all racial and ethnic minorities.
Some of the activities planned include:
• Wednesday, April 4, 6 p.m. in University Union Colgate Room – "Sexual Violence Against Women: Stand Up Speak Up" – Presented by the WIU Student Recreation Center
• Thursday, April 5, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Multicultural Center – Balanced Body Balanced Mind, a health fair featuring health screenings and informational tables on various topics - in partnership with the University Counseling Center
• Friday, April 6, 10 a.m.- noon, Stipes Hall 121 – "Navigating Your Health" – Presented by WIU health sciences students
• Monday, April 9, 2:30 p.m., Multicultural Center - "Change the Game: The Health Gap and Soccer in Botswana" - Presented by the Peace Corps
• Tuesday, April 10, 5:30 p.m., Multicultural Center – Documentary screening of the film, "Clinica de Migrantes: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"
• Wednesday, April 11, 4 p.m., Morgan Hall 210 - "Lifestyle and Eating Habits Contributing to Obesity" - Presented by WIU Professor Rajeev Sawhney.
• Thursday, April 12, 6 p.m., Memorial Hall 204 – Documentary screening of the film, "Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement"
• Tuesday, April 17, 10:30 a.m., Horrabin Hall 1 – ""iSleep: Illinois Sleeping Longer Every Day Establishes Productivity: - Presentation by WIU students and graduate students and facilitated by WIU Associate Professor Maureen Bezold
• Wednesday, April 18, 3:30 p.m., Rec Center, Keeney Room – "Detox Your Brain" – Presented by WIU students and facilitated by Bezold.
• Thursday, April 19, 10 a.m., Wesley Village Activity Room – "It's Spring! Don't fall!" – Presented by a WIU graduate assistant.
- 2 p.m., Grand Prairie Assisted Living – "Depression and Anxiety in the Elderly Population" – Presented by WIU students and facilitated by WIU Associate Professor Maureen Bezold.
• Wednesday, April 25, 5 p.m., Morgan Hall 101A - "Seeking Help After Rape: Does Race Matter?" – Presented by SANE Nurse Lindsay White
• Thursday, April 26, 3 p.m., University Union Capitol Room - "Veteran's Health and Well-being" – Presented by the WIU Veteran's Resource Center.
- 5:30 p.m., Stipes 120 – KEYNOTE: "Cancer Prevention and Education in Rural Communities" – Presented by Dr. James Gonzales, MDH
• Monday, April 30, 10 a.m.–1 p.m., University Union Heritage Room – Blood drive – Provided by the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center
The Minority Health Month Planning Committee is chaired by WIU Department of Health Sciences and Social Work Chair Lorette Oden.
For more information on Minority Health Month, visit: wiu.edu/minorityhealth/.
Posted By: University Communications (U-Communications@wiu.edu)
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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