University News

WIU's 2017 CPA Exam 70.67 Percent Pass Rate Leads Illinois Public Universities

May 24, 2018

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Learn more about WIU's Accountancy Signature Academic Program.


MACOMB, IL - The Illinois Board of Examiners has released the 2017 CPA Exam pass rates for 2017, with the average pass rate for students from Illinois colleges and universities in 2017 placed at 49.73 percent. Western Illinois University students earned a 70.67 percent pass rate overall for all sections of the exam taken, which leads all public universities in Illinois.

These pass rates are the highest overall pass rates achieved by WIU students for the period of 2012-2017. Pass rates for all sections taken on the CPA Exam are available on the Illinois Board Examiners website at

WIU has initiated the CPA Project to increase the number of students who take and pass the CPA exam at the end of its Master of Accountancy program. The first cohort of CPA Project Scholars is being selected now for the Fall 2018 semester.

CPA Project Scholars, and graduate students who volunteer to participate in the CPA Project, will prepare for the CPA exam throughout their graduate program. CPA Project Scholars and volunteers will sit for all parts of the CPA exam during their final semester of coursework.

Western initiated and secured the Illinois Board of Examiners' support to expand the provisional testing window in Illinois to 150 days to make this possible and secured the state's approval in November 2017.

A grant from the AICPA's Diversity Pipeline Project will support up to three CPA Project Scholars who are being selected based on merit. Students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Universities Historically Serving Hispanic Students and Universities Historically Serving Native American Students are encouraged to apply to enter the Master of Accountancy program at WIU.

Learn more about the WIU Accountancy Signature Academic Program.

Learn more about WIU's Accountancy Signature Academic Program.

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