University News

Sawhney: 2018 WIU Distinguished Faculty Lecturer

February 26, 2018

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MACOMB/MOLINE, IL – The Western Illinois University 2018 Distinguished Faculty Lecturer Rajeev Sawhney, will present "Greening the Supply Chain: Promoting Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Economic Development" at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 28 in the College of Fine Arts and Communication (COFAC) Recital Hall (Macomb) and at 3 p.m. Wednesday, April 4 at the WIU-QC Riverfront Campus, room 103-104 (Moline). The lecture is open free to the public.

According to Sawhney, a professor in the WIU Department of Management and Marketing, his lecture will focus on the dilemmas of sustainable development and sustainable living. Sawhney will discuss how progressive organizations are addressing the call for sustainable development by adopting the cradle-to-cradle approach in designing and manufacturing a product; and by working closely with the suppliers and customers in their supply chain.

"In Summer 2008, during a trip to Canada, I visited the Columbia glacier in Jasper National Park. I walked barely 30 meters when I saw a marker that read 'In 1981, the glacier was here.' I walked another 100 meters and a marker read 'In 1991, the glacier was here.' After walking another 125 meters, I came across yet another market that read 'In 2001, the glacier was here.' Along with this last marker was the question, 'Do you still need proof for global warming?'," Sawhney said. "After coming back from the trip, I did some research and found scientists claiming that at the current rate of global warming, the Columbia ice-fields will disappear in one generation."

Sawhney said that through his lecture, he will discuss the urgent challenges of altering what we demand from the manufacturing companies, and how we relate to one other within a community to promote sustainable development.

"I want the members of the audience to aspire to take a more active role as global managers and social change leaders," he added. "I will discuss the social and environmental impact of their everyday spending, which can further empower spending habits that align with the goals of sustainable development."

Sawhney joined Western's management and marketing faculty in 1999 as an assistant professor in the area of operations and supply chain management. He was awarded Provost's Awards for Excellence in Internationalizing the Campus (2008) and Research and Scholarly Work (2007), and the College of Business and Technology Awards for Excellence in Research and Scholarly Work (2014, 2006 and 2003), Internationalizing the Campus (2007) and Service (2004). He has also received the Best Paper Award, North American Management Society (2004 and 2002) and Best Paper Award for Junior Faculty, Institute of Supply Management (2000-2002).

Sawhney has authored/co-authored a book and multiple articles in refereed journals. He also co-developed the Ivey Purchasing Managers Index, a monthly publication throughout Canada that predicts economic trends. He has lectured, conducted workshops, delivered keynote addresses and presented papers in national and international conferences. Sawhney serves on the editorial boards of the Academy of Business Development Journal, International Journal of Business Intelligence and Systems Engineering, and International Journal of Business Engineering and Management Systems, as well as serves as a peer reviewer for several industry-related journals.

He earned his doctorate in Production and Operations Management from Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario, Canada and two master's degrees from Delhi School of Economics.

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