COEHS Hosts Tech Planning Workshop
October 8, 2002

MACOMB, IL -- The CATALISE Project, a United States Department of Education Preparing Tomorrows Teachers to Use Technology Program recently sponsored its second Technology Planning System workshop in Horrabin Hall on the Western Illinois University campus. Western's College of Education and Human Services (COEHS) is the lead institution for the CATALISE Project grant.
The Technology Planning System workshops are designed to facilitate the development and implementation of a technology plan to help schools, colleges and departments of education better prepare their teacher candidates to effectively utilize technology in teaching. Participating institutions included the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Chicago and Springfield; and Southern Illinois University-Carbondale and Edwardsville; along with CATALISE partner institutions University of Arkansas-Monticello and Eastern Michigan University.
Workshop presenters included COEHS administrators, faculty and staff and personnel from the college's Center for the Application of Information Technologies (CAIT). Superintendent Don White, Pleasant Plains Community Unit School District No. 8, also served as a workshop presenter, focusing on preparing "tech able" teachers for P-12 schools.
The Technology Planning System workshops highlighted technology infrastructure, teacher education leadership, teacher education faculty, teacher candidates and school relationships. Participants were informed about promising practices, cautioned about potential pitfalls and provided assessment resources to assist them in building or revising a technology plan for their teacher education programs.
CATALISE Project partner institutions in Michigan, Arkansas and California are planning additional Technology Planning System workshops in their regions. COEHS hosted the first technology planning opportunity for Illinois universities and colleges in July and have two planned for February and March 2003. For more information, contact Don Nelson, CATALISE Project Director, WIU College of Education and Human Services Deans Office, 309/298-1690.
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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