WIU's KidU Offered June 9-12, 16-19; Register by May 30
May 16, 2014

Register online for the WIU Department of Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality's KidU at wiu.edu/dfmh/kidu/.
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MACOMB, IL – The Western Illinois University Department of Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality (DFMH) will offer KidU, designed for students in grades 4-8, for two weeks in June. The first session (Week 1) is set for 8 a.m.-12 noon Monday-Thursday, June 9-12, and the second session (Week 2) is set for 8 a.m.-noon Monday-Thursday, June 16-19.
Registration cost is $40 for one-week session or $75 for both weeks, and participants can mix and match the sessions in which they're interested. The registration deadline is Friday, May 30. Information about sessions is listed below and via wiu.edu/dfmh/kidu. Register online at wiu.edu/dfmh/kidu.
For more information, contact the DFMH department at (309) 298-1085.
8-10 a.m. Week 1—Cupcake Crazy
- Cupcakes Baked Inside Ice Cream Cones... These cupcakes-in-hiding combine the best aspects of an ice cream sundae (all those great toppings!) in a no-melt treat.
- S'More Cupcakes... Enjoy s'more fun with cupcakes packed with the yummy goodness of the ingredients of s'mores: graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallow creme.
- Pancakes Cupcake Style... Participants will create pancakes baked up cupcake-style and top them with a maple buttercream topped with crumbled bacon.
- Construct Twinkie Cupcakes... What's not to love? The spongy cake on the outside and the fluffy creamy filling on the inside make these Twinkie cupcakes close to the real thing—only better!
8-10 a.m. Week 2—Colorful Cookies
- Fashion Light-as-a-Feather Macaroons... Participants will make these classic French cookies, full of flavor and color.
- Make Monster Cookies... These peanut-buttery oatmeal cookies with M&M's are sure to make anyone smile.
- Create Colorful Cookies... What's at the end of the rainbow? A plate full of colorful, easy-to-make, cake-like cookies!
- Flower Pot Cookie Pops... Grow a delicious bunch of fresh-baked cookies with these Flower Pot Cookie Pops.
8-10 a.m. Week 1—Fashion Frenzy
- Faded Is fashion... Add a unique design to a boring tee by making bleach-faded tees with an innovative technique that adds a cool vintage look to plain t-shirts.
- Cute and Casual... Upcycle an old pair of jeans into a blue jean purse. Participants will the create their own unique personal touches with a variety of applications.
- Visual Merchandising... Participants will have the opportunity to expand their display talents while showcasing their designs.
- A New Way to Discover and Express Personal Style... Participants will be working on their own iPads to create fashion flair with Polyvore.
8-10 a.m. Week 2—Fashion Frenzy
- Design Your Own Tee... Participants will create their own designs and then apply them to t-shirts with spray paint.
- Fashion and Jewelry Go Together... Nothing reflects fashion sense and taste better than the right ring. Participants will create their own rings to make their own fashion statements.
- Recycle Mania... Style a mannequin form with recycled materials. Participants will create garments using a variety of recycled materials, and display the garments on mannequin forms.
- Display Day! Participants will finish their recycled garments and display their own designs in the classroom vignettes.
10 a.m.-noon Week 1—Food Science Secrets
- Candy and Soda Explosions... Does it matter the type of candy and soda? Participants will find out!
- Homemade Yogurt with Cow, Almond and Soy Milk... Which is best?
- Smoking Fruit... Using kitchen ingredients, participants can make their own fruit smoke.
- Edible Glitter and Edible Slime... Freak out parents… and it's all safe.
10 a.m.-noon Week 2—Food Science Secrets
- Make Fruity Pudding and Homemade Gummy Worms
- Fashion a Food Volcano... Do not try this at home!
- Working with Crystallized Sugar Can Be Fun... Who doesn't love rock candy?
- Light Up Your life... Or your room, with a lava lamp, created from food.
10 a.m.-noon Week 1—Divine Design
- Color wheel Craze... Red + Yellow = Orange. Learn how the color wheel is made and mix colors.
- Tick Tock! The clock is ticking. After participants finish their color wheels, they'll turn them into color crazy clocks.
- Crayon Design Mania... Ever see melted crayon artwork? This class will offer the chance to make a colorful design by melting crayons and letting them drip down the canvas.
- Tactile Texture Thursday... It's all about texture! Learn about the two types of texture that designers deal with, and create jeweled sunglasses.
10 a.m.-noon Week 2—Divine Design
- Mood Board Monday... Designers get inspiration from the world around them and participants can too! Participants will each work on a personal style mood board for their own imaginary design companies.
- Visual Texture Tuesday... Texture by sight? Participants will design creations using fabric and spray paint.
- Recycle an Old T-Shirt... Participants will bring one or two of their old t-shirts to make t-shirt bracelets and headbands. The more colorful, the better!
- Dress Design... Participants will work with mini mannequins to design their very own dress using flowers and paper.
Posted By: University Communications (U-Communications@wiu.edu)
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