WIU DFMH Academic Adviser Honored with National Advising Award

May 6, 2014

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Cheryl Hutchins, an advisor for the WIU Department of Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality (DFMH), was named the "Outstanding Advising Award–Primary Advising Role Certificate of Merit" recipient by the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) in April.
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MACOMB, IL – Cheryl Hutchins, an adviser for the Western Illinois University Department of Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality (DFMH), was named the "Outstanding Advising Award–Primary Advising Role Certificate of Merit" recipient by the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) last month. She will be honored and presented with the award in Minneapolis (MN) during the NACADA Annual Conference in the fall.

According to NACADA, the award is presented to individuals who have demonstrated qualities associated with outstanding advising of students. The category in which Hutchins received the award includes individuals whose "primary role at the institution is the direct delivery of advising services to students."

"Cheryl is a great asset and outstanding academic adviser for the DFMH department. She always makes time for students," noted DFMH Department Chair Mary Mhango. "She develops an appropriate and supportive relationship with each of her advisees, and students openly indicate their appreciation for her interpersonal skills and guidance. We are proud and fortunate to have Cheryl as the DFMH academic adviser."

Hutchins earned her bachelor's and master's degrees from Western. In 2013, Hutchins was named the Academic Adviser of the Year, after being nominated by students and faculty. She has been the academic adviser for the DFMH department since August 2010.

WIU academic advisers who also have been honored with the NACADA "Outstanding Advising Award–Primary Advising Role Certificate of Merit" include: Ember Keithley (2012), Dianne Fullenwilder-Bracey (2010), Gloria Coursey Barr (2004); and Julie Standard (2001). In 2005, Kathleen Miller garnered the "Outstanding Advising-Primary Role Winner" award, and in 2001, James Nielsen was honored with the "Outstanding Advising-Secondary Role Winner" award from NACADA (Region 5, www.nacada.ksu.edu/Community/Regions/Region-5/Award-Recipients.aspx).

For more information, contact Dana Moon, College of Education and Human Services director of development, marketing and community relations, at (309) 298-1690 or via email at DM-Moon@wiu.edu.

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