Show Your Love for WIU for 2014 Purple and Gold Day; Enter to Win an iPad Mini
April 8, 2014

MACOMB, IL – Show your love for Western Illinois University and enter to win an iPad Mini in the 2014 Purple and Gold Day "I ♥ WIU" Contest. The winner of the contest will be announced Thursday, April 24, which is Purple and Gold Day 2014.
From Monday, April 14-Wednesday, April 23, Western students are invited to submit photos (via email to to show what they love about/why they love WIU. Photos should include the student in a location on campus that relates to why he/she "hearts" Western. Students can print out the graphic below, write in why they love Western, and then use it in the photo, or they can make their own "I ♥ WIU" graphics to use in their photos. (Contest rules below.)
Click on the image to load a print-quality version and then right click and select "Save Image As" to download it to your computer.
Each student who enters will be entered into a drawing for an iPad Mini (valued at $300). The winner's name will be drawn and announced April 24 (on WIU's website, as well as on Western's Facebook page and Twitter and Instagram feeds). Multiple photo entries are allowed, but only one submission will be considered for the random drawing.
All students who enter (whether graduating or not this spring or summer) are invited to the WIU Alumni Association's and the Student Alumni Leadership Council's annual Grad Blast party 5:30-7:30 p.m. April 24 at the Sports Corner at 124 (124 N. Randolph St.) and will be given complimentary registration for the inaugural Purple & Gold Day Rocky Run (5K run/walk event), Saturday, April 26. (The Purple & Gold Day Rocky Run is hosted by the Student Alumni Association and the Student Alumni Leadership Council; more info. is available at
Photo Contest Rules
Photo submissions that do not adhere to contest rules will not be entered into the drawing and will not be included in the "I ♥ WIU" collection of photos, which will be shared via social media.
Photo submissions:
- Photos must be of current WIU student (individuals must be identified in the photo or email message, first and last name) and include why he or she loves WIU.
- Photos cannot contain: any reference to alcohol or drug use; profane/inappropriate gestures; inappropriate attire (e.g., no swimsuit photos or clothing that bears inappropriate logos). These photos will be discarded.
- By entering your photo, you hereby give Western Illinois University its assigns, licensees, and legal representatives the irrevocable right to use your name and photographic image in all forms of media (including the Internet) by Western Illinois University, and you waive any right to inspect or approve the finished version(s).
For more information, contact Teresa Koltzenburg at (309) 298-1993 or via email at
Posted By: Teresa Koltzenburg (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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